Cat Power's new band: girl power!

Publié le par odetochan-catpower


Since Chan Marshall interviews last summer, we knew that the days of the Dirty Delta Blues Band were over, at least for some time. Therefore many peole were wondering who would be the musicians on Cat Power's next tour. Thanks to Sab's work on Ode to Chan forum, we can lift the curtain on this little mystery.
(photos: Gregg Foreman)

From left to right: Alianna, Annika (Chan's assistant), Nico and Adeline


The first surprise is that this is going to be mainly a "girls" band. If the "Dirty Delta Blues Band" + Cat Power were 4 men and 1 woman on stage, this new tour should show us the opposite: 4 women and 1 man.


-Adeline Fargier

This young french woman seems to be Cat Power's new guitar player. She was involved with many bands since her career started. Here is an excerpt of her work with Troy von Balthazar: link

It's not forbidden to think that she looks a lot like how Chan looked 10 years ago...

Don't miss her profile on Matador's blog:link

(photo: lomophoto56


-Nico Turner:

Nico Turner's role is not 100% sure yet but it seems that she might play the bass. This information needs to be confirmed because it is known that her favourite instrument is the drums. She was previously a member of the VOICESVOICES duo.

I invite you to read her interview for tomtommag. Mia Valentine)


-Alianna Kalaba

This musician used to play with "We Ragazzi". She should play the drums for Cat Power. Chan Marshall)


-Gregg Foreman

He used to play the keyboard for Cat Power with the Dirty Delta Blues Band. It seems that he'll keep playing it on the new tour.

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